среда, 9 ноября 2011 г.

iPad 5 Production Rumors

Reports are coming in that Apple is seeking to diversify their production line for the upcoming iPad 5 and/or iPad 4 HD. This is no surprise of course after the events of the past few months. At the beginning of the year there were many reports of child labor, bribery, unsafe conditions, and even sucicide all tied to Apple. This was under the control of Foxconn, a large manufactoring corporation with many plants located in China. Then of course, as we reported, a Foxconn plant suffered an explosion which left several workers dead and many more injured.

It has been a bad year for Foxconn, and you can easily see why Apple may want to explore other options. Diversifying the production of their iPhone and iPad are probably very good ideas. Not only will it help them get away from the negative image Foxconn has produced. It will also enable them plan out the production of the devices. Instead of dumping a very large order on one company, they would be able to call on the support of multiple factories. This of course wouldn’t force one company to push their workers to near death, force bad conditions, etc. It also would help if a repeat of the earlier explosion occurs. With all their production sitting in one company such an incident could cause catastrophic delays. If the entire production of a device such as the iPad 5 or iPhone were to occur extremely long delays would occur. The longer the delays the chances of a competitor stealing your client increases.

The possible release of the iPhone 5 and iPad 5 HD at the same time will also cause issues. Putting both devices on one company to produce is simply to much. If Apple expects a smooth release they would almost be forced to call on other companies to help in the production. The rumor of a dual release of the iPhone 5 and iPad 4 HD or iPad 5 is all over the internet. There have even been reports of Apple putting orders in for components. This makes many believe that this rumor can in fact be a reality. This would be a huge undertaking for Apple. The success of which could catapult them to a new level or end in a disastrous failure.

iOS 5 and the iPhone 5 and iPad 5 or iPad 4 HD are to be released in only a few months. If this is to occur we should start seeing confirmed reports of production in the very near future. If the iPad 5 HD is in fact a real device then I highly suspect the dual release rumor to be true. Like we’ve reported before, the iPad 4 HD could be a very smart idea or could lead to total confusion in the marketplace. What do you think will occur? Will there be a dual release this Fall? Will it be the iPad 4 HD or the iPad 5? Comment below!

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